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Good News!

A liquid air rechargeable battery

One of the biggest problems for renewable energy is storage of power. An English company is building the world’s first storage centre for renewable energy. This non-polluting battery costs half as much to make as rechargeable batteries and can power 200,000 homes each day and store renewable energy for months.

A fusion reactor hotter than the sun

France is building a nuclear fusion reactor, that can make almost unlimited amounts of clean power. A miniature sun that produces 4-times as much energy as normal nuclear reactors is safe and has almost no waste material. This clean energy could be a miracle for our planet.

See through wood

Scientists create see through wood nearly as clear as glass to make stronger and better windows. They keep in heat in cold countries and help stop cold air escaping in hot countries. The scientists used wood from the fast-growing balsa tree which is easy and quick to grow.

A Flying Car

A Japanese company, Toyota has announced a flying car. Flying cars will be make travel easy and will be a safe and comfortable new way of life.

Renewable drinking water

Two companies are providing clean drinking water to people who live in Palawan in the Philippines.

These water panels will create over 40,000 liters of drinking water each year, powered only by sunshine, so no need for over two million plastic water bottles. It is renewable, cost-efficient, and clean and will improve poor people’s lives.

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